Any person or persons desiring to or have set up and keep in this city any billiard or pool tables or other tables whereon balls are used or played with or any nine pin or 10 pin alleys or bowling alleys, whereon pins are used shall first apply to the mayor and council for the privilege to do so and obtain a license to operate same as hereinafter provided.
Any person or persons having obtained permission from the mayor and councilmembers as provided in the preceding section, and who shall pay the city treasurer the sum of $20.00 for the use of the city, taking the treasurer’s receipt therefor, shall present the receipt to the city clerk and be entitled to a license to keep either the tables or the alleys named in the first section of this article for one year.
Any person or persons having obtained the permission and license required in the preceding sections of this article to set up and keep any such table or alley, and who may desire to set up and keep the same within the same building one or more tables or alleys may, upon the payment of the sum of $5.00 per table or alley, and the presentation of the clerk’s receipt therefor, have license to keep the same for one year.
(Code 1983)